Course BundleD Discounts

To get the full benefits from our Academy, we encourage our clients to take our full 5-course series. The modules generally are a pre-requisite to each other, and should be completed in order. Because we believe the full benefit of our work comes from completing the entire series, we are offering discounted bundles of our courses to choose from:

Carl Rogers PCP 5 Module Course Series

In this series of 5 courses, we provide students a full and comprehensive understanding of the philosophy, theory, and practical aspects of Person-Centered Psychotherapy (PCP) as portrayed by Carl Rogers and Associates. This series is based on the whole process, which Rogers points out as a way to meaningful learning. Crucial elements of psychotherapy will be explored, such as: deep listening, empathic listening, and empathic understanding; the nodal points of psychotherapy; the importance of authenticity and congruence; unconditional acceptance; and the concept of empathy. The theory includes the nature of the self, self-actualization, Rogers’ theory of personality, the actualizing tendency, six essential conditions for optimal psychotherapy, and other basic and advanced developments of PCP.

It is an exciting series of courses that we believe will help young psychotherapist students mature and solidify their practice. The experienced psychotherapist may also find opportunities to revive, rekindle and perhaps gain new insights about life and work. If one doesn’t love what one does, one is in trouble. We have heard from our students how they found a new sense of freedom, creativity, resilience, taste, and deep commitment toward their clientele and profession after taking our courses. They have said that “it is invigorating and exciting, and it brings up an awful a lot.” We explore issues about psychotherapy that are generally not talked about in similar trainings, such as spirituality, diversity, religion, love, and resilience. Through presentations and demonstrations, we encourage a different way of learning, as we allow for modeling of the master therapist to occur.

When you take our course series you will be learning from the best! Dr. Will Stillwell and Dr. Antonio Santos are long time PCA trained therapists who studied directly with Dr. Carl Rogers himself!

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